Magnetic Whirl - meron.c

    //cylinder cross section for nuclear scattering
static double
form_volume(double length, double radius)
  return M_PI*radius*radius*length;

static double
radius_from_excluded_volume( double length,double radius)
    return 0.5*cbrt(0.75*radius*(2.0*radius*length
           + (radius + length)*(M_PI*radius + length)));

static double
radius_from_volume(double length, double radius)
    return cbrt(M_PI*radius*radius*length/M_4PI_3);

static double
radius_from_diagonal(double length, double radius)
    return sqrt(radius*radius + 0.25*length*length);

static double
radius_effective(int mode, double length, double radius)
    switch (mode) {
    case 1:
        return radius_from_excluded_volume(length, radius );
    case 2:
        return radius_from_volume(length, radius);
    case 3:
        return radius;
    case 4:
        return 0.5*length;
    case 5:
        return (radius < 0.5*length ? radius : 0.5*length);
    case 6:
        return (radius > 0.5*length ? radius : 0.5*length);
    case 7:
        return radius_from_diagonal(length, radius);

static double
fq(double x, double y, double z, double length, double radius,  double sld, double solvent_sld)
  const double q=MAG_VEC(x,y,0); 
  const double s = (sld - solvent_sld);  
  return s *sas_2J1x_x(q*radius) * sas_sinx_x(z*0.5*length);

//Definition of special integral function on Bessel functions see 
//Supplemental Material of Metlov and Michels Sci. Rep. 6, 25055 (2016)

static double total_F2(double k)
	return  0.5 * k * M_PI * (sas_J1(k)* struve(0,k)- sas_J0(k)*struve(1,k));

static double muperp0( double k)
	return total_F2(k)/k/k;

static double muz0(double cos_alpha,double sin_alpha, double k)
	return muperp0(k)*sin_alpha; //complex quantity does not mix with first order terms

static double muy0(double cos_alpha,double sin_alpha, double k)
	return -muperp0(k)*cos_alpha; //complex quantity does not mix with first order terms

// Mx is component along the length of the cylinder, i.e. perpendicular to the vortex
//structure in the disc. 
static double fqMxreal( double x, double y, double z, double L, double R, double Ms)
  const double q=MAG_VEC(x, y,0);   
  const double k=R*q; 
  return Ms*sas_2J1x_x(k)* sas_sinx_x(z*0.5*L); 

static double fqMyimag( double x, double y, double z, double L, double R, double Ms)
  const double q=MAG_VEC(x, y,0);   
  const double cos_alpha=x/q;
  const double sin_alpha=y/q;
  const double k=R*q;
  const double fx=Ms*sas_sinx_x(0.5*L*z); 
  return M_PI*fx*muy0(cos_alpha, sin_alpha, k);

static double fqMzimag( double x, double y, double z, double L, double R, double Ms)
  const double q=MAG_VEC(x, y,0);   
  const double cos_alpha=x/q;
  const double sin_alpha=y/q;
  const double k=R*q;
  const double fx=Ms*sas_sinx_x(0.5*L*z); 
  return M_PI*fx*muz0(cos_alpha, sin_alpha, k);

//calculate 2D from _fq
static double
Iqxy(double qx, double qy, double length, double radius,  double core_nuc, double solvent_nuc, double magnetic_sld_disc, double magnetic_sld_length,double up_i, double up_f, double alpha, double beta)
  const double q = MAG_VEC(qx,qy,0 );
  if (q > 1.0e-16 ) {
    const double cos_theta=qx/q;
    const double sin_theta=qy/q;

    double qrot[3];
    double sld[8];      
    double weights[8];
    set_scatvec(qrot,q,cos_theta, sin_theta, alpha, beta);

//    double nuc=fq(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2],length, radius, core_nuc, solvent_nuc);      
    double nuc=fqMxreal(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2],length, radius, core_nuc);   
    // 0=dd.real, 1=dd.imag, 2=uu.real, 3=uu.imag,  4=du.real, 6=du.imag,  7=ud.real, 5=ud.imag     
    set_weights(up_i, up_f, weights);

    double mxreal=fqMxreal(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2], length, radius, magnetic_sld_length);
    double myimag=fqMyimag(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2], length, radius, magnetic_sld_disc);
    double mzimag=fqMzimag(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2], length, radius, magnetic_sld_disc);

    mag_sld(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2], 0, mzimag, 0, myimag, mxreal, 0, nuc, sld);  

    double form = 0.0;
      for (unsigned int xs=0; xs<8; xs++) {
        if (weights[xs] > 1.0e-8) {
          // Since the cross section weight is significant, set the slds
          // to the effective slds for this cross section, call the
          // kernel, and add according to weight.
          // loop over uu, ud real, du real, dd, ud imag, du imag 
          form += weights[xs]*sld[xs]*sld[xs];
    return 1.0e-4*form* square(form_volume(length, radius));

static double
Iq(double q,double length, double radius,  double core_nuc, double solvent_nuc, double magnetic_sld_disc, double magnetic_sld_length, double up_i, double up_f, double alpha, double beta)
  double sin_theta, cos_theta; // slots to hold sincos function output of the orientation on the detector plane
  double total_F1D = 0.0;
  for (int j=0; j<GAUSS_N ;j++) {

    const double theta = M_PI * (GAUSS_Z[j] + 1.0); // 0 .. 2 pi
    SINCOS(theta, sin_theta, cos_theta);
    double sld[8];
    double qrot[3];
    double weights[8];  

    // 0=dd.real, 1=dd.imag, 2=uu.real, 3=uu.imag,  4=du.real, 5=du.imag,  6=ud.real, 7=ud.imag    
    set_weights(up_i, up_f, weights);
    set_scatvec(qrot,q,cos_theta, sin_theta, alpha, beta);   
//    double nuc=fq(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2], length, radius,  core_nuc, solvent_nuc);
    double nuc=fqMxreal(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2],length, radius, core_nuc); 
    double mxreal=fqMxreal(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2], length, radius, magnetic_sld_length);
    double myimag=fqMyimag(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2], length, radius, magnetic_sld_disc);
    double mzimag=fqMzimag(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2], length, radius, magnetic_sld_disc);  

    mag_sld(qrot[0], qrot[1], qrot[2], 0, mzimag, 0, myimag, mxreal, 0, nuc, sld);  
    double form = 0.0;
    for (unsigned int xs=0; xs<8; xs++) {
      if (weights[xs] > 1.0e-8 ) {
        // Since the cross section weight is significant, set the slds
        // to the effective slds for this cross section, call the
        // kernel, and add according to weight.
        // loop over uu, ud real, du real, dd, ud imag, du imag 
        form += weights[xs]*sld[xs]*sld[xs];
      total_F1D += GAUSS_W[j] * form ;
  //convert from [1e-12 A-1] to [cm-1]
  return 0.5*1.0e-4*total_F1D* square(form_volume(length, radius ));

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