Mass Fractal S(q) -
Calculates the structure factor term ONLY from the Mass Fractal model.
The Sinha-Mildner-Hall fractal structure factor.
The functional form of the structure factor is defined below.
.. math::
S(q) = \frac{\Gamma(D_m-1)\xi^{D_m-1}}{\left[1+(q\xi)^2
\frac{sin\left[(D_m - 1) tan^{-1}(q\xi) \right]}{q}
where $D_m$ is the **mass** fractal dimension and $\xi$ is the upper fractal cutoff
length i.e. the length scale above which the system is no longer fractal.
SasView automatically appends two additional parameters $radius_effective$ and
$volfraction$ to all $S(q)$ models. However, these are not used by this model.
.. note::
The mass fractal dimension ( $D_m$ ) is only valid if $1 <= D_m <= 3$.
It is also only valid over a limited $q$ range (see the references for details).
.. note::
WARNING! By convention, $S(q)$ is normally dimensionless.
**This function is not dimensionless**.
D Mildner and P Hall, *J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.*,
19 (1986) 1535-1545 Equation(9)
P Wong, *Methods in the physics of porous media*
San Diego; London. Academic. (1999)
Authorship and Verification
* **Author:** Ziggy Attala and Matt D G Hughes **Date:** 09/09/2019
* **Last Modified by:** Steve King **Date:** 18/09/2019
* **Last Reviewed by:** **Date:**
import numpy as np
from numpy import inf
name = "mass_fractal_sq"
title = "Mass Fractal Structure Factor"
description =
Calculates the structure
factor term ONLY from
the Mass Fractal model.
The Sinha-Mildner-Hall
fractal structure factor.
category = "structure-factor"
structure_factor = True
single = False
parameters = [["radius_effective", "Ang", 50.0, [0, inf], "",
"Effective radius of hard sphere"],
["volfraction", "", 0.0, [0, 0.74], "",
"Volume fraction of hard spheres"],
["cutoff_length", "Ang", 150.0, [0, inf], "",
"Upper fractal cutoff length"],
["fractal_dimension", "", 2.1, [1, 3], "",
"Mass fractal dimension"]]
source = ["lib\sas_gamma.c"]
Iq = r"""
double x = q;
double term_1, term_2;
double term_1_numerator, term_1_denominator;
double term_2_numerator;
// Only used in this function as (fractal_dimension -1).
double _fractal_dimension = fractal_dimension - 1;
term_1_numerator = pow(cutoff_length, _fractal_dimension) * sas_gamma(_fractal_dimension);
double _pow = _fractal_dimension / 2;
term_1_denominator = pow(1 + square(x * cutoff_length), _pow);
term_1 = term_1_numerator / term_1_denominator;
term_2_numerator = sin(_fractal_dimension * atan(x * cutoff_length));
term_2 = term_2_numerator / x;
double sq = term_1 * term_2;
tests = [[{'scale': 1.0, 'background' : 0.0, 'cutoff_length' : 250.0, 'fractal_dimension' : 2.0},
[0.001, 0.5], [61538.461538461546, 3.999744016382952]]
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