Core-Chain-Chain (CCC) Model -
This form factor describes scattering from spherical cores (nanoparticle, micellar, etc.) that have chains coming off normal from their surface. In the case of
the Core-Chain-Chain (CCC) Model, these chains have two different regions of conformation, size, and scattering length density. The transition from region 1 (near
the nanoparticle core, CPB) to region 2 (SDPB) is given by the parameter :math: `r_{c}`, which is the distance from the center of the nanoparticle to the junction point. See
fig. 1 of reference 1 for a schematic of the geometry.
The scattering intensity is the sum of 8 terms, and an incoherent background term :math: `B`. This model returns the following scattering intensity:
.. math::
I(q) = scale \times \left[ P_{core}(q) + N_{c}P_{CPB}(q) + N_{c}P_{SDPB}(q) + 2N_{c}F_{core}(q)j_{0}(qr_{core})F_{CPB}(q) + 2N_{c}F_{core}(q)j_{0}(qr_{c})F_{SDPB}(q) + N_{c}(N_{c} - 1)F_{CPB}(q)^{2}j_{0}(qr_{core})^2 + N_{c}(N_{c} - 1)F_{SDPB}(q)^{2}j_{0}(qr_{c})^2 + N_{c}^{2}F_{CPB}(q)j_{0}(qr_{core})j_{0}(qr_{c})F_{SDPB}(q) \right] + B
where :math: `N_{c} is the number of chains grafted to the nanoparticle, :math: `r_{core}` is the nanoparticle radius, and :math: `r_{c}` is the position of the junction between the CPB and
SDPB regions. :math: `j_{0}(.)` is a spherical Bessel function. The terms :math: `P_{core}(q)`, :math: `P_{CPB}(q)`, and :math: `P_{SDPB}(q)` are the form factors of the spherical core, polymer in the CPB region, and polymer in the SDPB
region, respectively. :math: `F_{core}(q)`, :math: `F_{CPB}(q)`, and :math: `F_{SDPB}(q)` are the form factor amplitudes of the respective regions. For the nanoparticle core, these terms are related as:
.. math::
P_{core}(q) = \left| F_{core}(q) \right|^{2} = \left| V_{core}(\rho_{core} - \rho_{solv})\frac{3j_{1}(qr_{core})}{qr_{core}} \right|^{2}
where :math: `\rho_{core}` is the scattering length density of the nanoparticle core, :math: `\rho_{solv}` is the scattering length density of the solvent/matrix, :math: `V_{core}` is the
volume of the nanoparticle core, and :math: `j_{1}(.)` is a spherical Bessel function.
Scattering from the CPB and SDPB regions is described by the form factor amplitudes and form factors of these regions. For a given region :math: `i`, these terms read:
.. math::
P_{i}(q,N_{i}) = V_{i}^{2}(\rho_{i} - \rho_{solv})^{2} \left[ \frac{1}{\nu_{i} U_{i}^{1/2\nu_{i}}}\gamma \left( \frac{1}{2\nu_{i}}, U_{i}\right) - \frac{1}{\nu_{i} U_{i}^{1/\nu_{i}}}\gamma \left(\frac{1}{\nu_{i}}, U_{i} \right) \right]
.. math::
F_{i}(q,N_{i}) = V_{i}(\rho_{i} - \rho_{solv})\frac{1}{2\nu_{i} U_{i}^{1/2\nu_{i}}}\gamma \left( \frac{1}{2\nu_{i}}, U_{i}\right)
where :math: `N_{i}` is the degree of polymerization of the portion of polymer in region :math: `i`, :math: `V_{i}` is the volume of polymer in region :math: `i`, :math: `\nu_{i}` is the excluded volume parameter of the polymer in region :math: `i`, :math: `\rho_{i}` is the scattering length density of polymer in region :math: `i`, :math: `U_{i} = q^{2} b^{2} N_{i}^{2\nu_{i}}/6`, :math: `b` is the polymer's Kuhn length, and :math: `\gamma` is the lower incomplete gamma function.
1. Y. Wei, Y. Xu, A. Faraone, and M. J. A. Hore, "Local Structure and Relaxation Dynamics in the Brush of Polymer-Grafted Silica Nanoparticles", ACS Macro Letters, 7, 699-704 (2018)
Authorship and Verification
* **Author:** Michael J. A. Hore **Date:** 13 Mar 2018
import numpy as np # type: ignore
from numpy import pi, inf, power, errstate
from scipy.special import gammainc, gamma, j0, j1
name = "core_chain_chain"
title = "Spherically symmetric core with grafted polymer chains having two different conformations."
description = """
category = "shape:sphere"
structure_factor = True
# [ "name", "units", default, [lower, upper], "type", "description"],
parameters = [["sld", "1e-6/Ang^2", 3.5, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Core scattering length density"],
["sld1", "1e-6/Ang^2", 1.0, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Chain region 1 scattering length density"],
["sld2", "1e-6/Ang^2", 1.0, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Chain region 2 scattering length density"],
["sld_solvent", "1e-6/Ang^2", 4.4, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Solvent scattering length density"],
["radius", "Ang", 60, [0, inf], "volume", "Core radius"],
["rc", "Ang", 100, [0, inf], "volume", "Cutoff distance between region 1 and region 2"],
["poly_sig", "chains/nm^2", 0.50, [0, inf], "", "Polymer grafting density"],
["rg1", "Ang", 40, [1, inf], "volume", "Radius of gyration of chain in region 1"],
["rg2", "Ang", 40, [1, inf], "volume", "Radius of gyration of chain in region 2"],
["nu1", "None", 0.50, [0.25, 1.0], "", "Excluded volume parameter of chain in region 1"],
["nu2", "None", 0.50, [0.25, 1.0], "", "Excluded volume parameter of chain in region 2"],
["v1", "Ang^3", 30, [0, inf] , "volume", "Volume of polymer in region 1"],
["v2", "Ang^3", 30, [0, inf] , "volume", "Volume of polymer in region 2"],
def Iq(q,
:param q: Input q-value
:param sld: Core scattering length density
:param sld1: Chain region 1 scattering length density
:param sld2: Chain region 2 scattering length density
:param sld_solvent: Solvent scattering length density
:param radius: Core radius
:param rc: Cutoff distance between region 1 and region 2
:param poly_sig: Polymer grafting density
:param rg1: Radius of gyration of chain in region 1
:param rg2: Radius of gyration of chain in region 2
:param nu1: Excluded volume parameter of chain in region 1
:param nu2: Excluded volume parameter of chain in region 2
:param v1: Volume of polymer in region 1
:param v2: Volume of polymer in region 2
:return: Calculated intensity
# Number of grafted chains per core:
Ng = poly_sig * 4.00 * pi * (0.1 * radius) * (0.1 * radius)
# Volume of core regions:
Vcore = 4.0/3.0 * pi * radius**3
Vtotal = Vcore + Ng * (v1 + v2)
# One over excl. vol. parm.:
onu1 = 1.0 / nu1
o2nu1 = 1.0 / 2.0 / nu1
onu2 = 1.0 / nu2
o2nu2 = 1.0 / 2.0 / nu2
# Propagator function:
E1 = j0(q*(radius+rg1))
E2 = j0(q*(rc+rg2))
# Polymer size variable
Usub1 = (q*rg1)**2 * (2.0*nu1 + 1.0) * (2.0*nu1 + 2.0) / 6.0
Usub2 = (q*rg2)**2 * (2.0*nu2 + 1.0) * (2.0*nu2 + 2.0) / 6.0
# Form factor amplitude of core-shell sphere:
with errstate(divide='ignore'):
Fs = 3.0*(sld - sld_solvent)*Vcore*j1(q*radius)/(q*radius)
# Form factor amplitude of the polymer:
with errstate(divide='ignore'):
Fp1 = o2nu1*power(Usub1, -o2nu1) * gamma(o2nu1) * gammainc(o2nu1, Usub1)
Fp2 = o2nu2*power(Usub2, -o2nu2) * gamma(o2nu2) * gammainc(o2nu2, Usub2)
# Form factor of the polymer (Pp(q) is not simply Fp(q)^2!!):
with errstate(divide='ignore'):
Pp1 = onu1 * power(Usub1, -o2nu1)*gamma(o2nu1)*gammainc(o2nu1, Usub1) - onu1 * power(Usub1, -onu1)*gamma(onu1)*gammainc(onu1,Usub1)
Pp2 = onu2 * power(Usub2, -o2nu2)*gamma(o2nu2)*gammainc(o2nu2, Usub2) - onu2 * power(Usub2, -onu2)*gamma(onu2)*gammainc(onu2,Usub2)
# Combine all terms to form intensity:
# Term 1: Core-shell particle:
inten = Fs * Fs
# Term 2: Polymer 1
inten = inten + Ng * (sld1 - sld_solvent) * (sld1 - sld_solvent) * v1 * v1 * Pp1
# Term 3: Polymer 2
inten = inten + Ng * (sld2 - sld_solvent) * (sld2 - sld_solvent) * v2 * v2 * Pp2
# Term 4: Particle/polymer 1 crossterm:
inten = inten + 2.0 * Ng * v1 * (sld1 - sld_solvent) * Fs * E1 * Fp1
# Term 5: Particle/polymer 2 crossterm:
inten = inten + 2.0 * Ng * v2 * (sld2 - sld_solvent) * Fs * E2 * Fp2
# Term 6: Polymer 1/polymer 1 crossterm:
inten = inten + Ng * (Ng - 1) * v1 * v1 * (sld1 - sld_solvent) * (sld1 - sld_solvent) * Fp1 * E1 * E1 * Fp1
# Term 7: Polymer 2/polymer 2 crossterm:
inten = inten + Ng * (Ng - 1) * v2 * v2 * (sld2 - sld_solvent) * (sld2 - sld_solvent) * Fp2 * E2 * E2 * Fp2
# Term 8: Polymer 1/polymer 2 crossterm:
inten = inten + Ng * Ng * v1 * v2 * (sld1 - sld_solvent) * (sld2 - sld_solvent) * Fp1 * E1 * E2 * Fp2
with errstate(divide='ignore'):
# Convert SLDs to A^-2, and convert intensity to cm^-1. Normalize by particle volume.
inten = inten * 1.0e-6 * 1.0e-6 * 1.0e8 / Vtotal
return inten
Iq.vectorized = True # Iq accepts an array of q values
# Effective Radius for S(Q). This is only an estimation.
def ER(radius, rc, rg1, rg2, v1, v2):
"""Effective radius of a core-chain-chain sphere."""
eff_rad = radius + rg1 + rg2
return eff_rad
# Test and validation
demo = dict(scale = 1, background = 0, sld=6.9, sld1=1.5, sld2=3.8, sld_solvent=5.88, radius=60, rc=180, poly_sig=0.5, rg1=105,rg2=50,nu1=0.8,nu2=0.6,v1=4400,v2=580)
tests = [[0.01, 155.66117003], [0.1, 1.38459492]]
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